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Reclaiming Dreams for Survivors: Free Workshop

  • PCC CASCADE Portland, OR (map)

What: A dream & plant workshops for survivors of sexual assault, facilitated by huixola
Who: Open to survivors ONLY, all ages. We have 20 spots available.
When: Friday, May 25th; 6:00pm-7:30pm
Where: PCC Cascade, exact location to be emailed one day prior to event
The space is ADA accessible and has gender neutral bathrooms
Cost: Free!

*Snacks & beverages will also be provided!

Our dreams are sacred & depending on our experience this world may be a source of anxiety or one of healing. This is due to many reasons, some of which are tied to trauma and oppression to name a few. Reclaiming your dream world is an act of spiritual resistance and connecting with plants is an amazing way to begin your relationship to your dreams.

Folks who experience PTSD from sexual assault are more likely to have a challenging time with sleep and all matters of dreaming. Healing happens at its own pace, is non-linear, varies from survivor to survivor and requires the understanding that not all dream practices or plant allies will resonate with folks.

In this space, we will engage with one another through storytelling, will have a chance to interact with plant allies and folks will be given a zine to take home that contains supplemental information on plants, dream practices & sexual assault resources.

The intention for this workshops is the reclamation of one's ancestral knowledge & sacred healing practices through embodiment. This workshop will be facilitated in English but huixola will be able to answer questions & offer support in Spanish or Spanglish if needed.

After the workshop, huixola will have plant medicine for sale for those that are interested. She accepts Venmo, Paypal & cash.

*This workshop is not: a 101 workshop on sexual assault & rape culture, support group or therapy session.

**Please Register to Participate