Zines - Reclaiming Dreams for Survivors & Digna
Zines - Reclaiming Dreams for Survivors & Digna
Reclaiming Dreams for Survivors / Recuperando Sueños para Sobrevivientes is a short zine to assist survivors of abuse that have challenges around sleeping and dreaming. Creating a relationship with plants can support one’s healing process; this zine offers a range of techniques and possibilities. This zine is available in English or Spanish.
"Depending on our experience, [the dream] world may be a source of anxiety or one of healing...Reclaiming your dream world is an act of spiritual resistance."
Digna is part personal zine and part workbook zine, the zine looks at how healing can occur through both sound and the dream realm and how the two can overlap. The pages include personal experiences mixed with questions and ideas for those looking to reclaim their voice and their dreams. This zine is only available in English.
***Albuquerque Residents: Please choose Store Pickup at checkout to bypass shipping costs and arrange to pick-up your purchase from me at Project Feed the Hood’s Community Garden in the Southeast Heights neighborhood. Once your transaction has been processed you will receive a follow up email to organize your pick-up.