Our dreams are sacred and depending on our experience this world could be a source of anxiety or one of healing. This is due to many reasons, some of which are tied to trauma and systems of oppression. I come from a family of dreamers but none of which would necessarily call dreaming an ancestral practice. Dreams were not revered as teachers yet they were honored at the kitchen table. Since I can remember, I have experienced sleep paralysis but through consistent dream work I have been able to shift these happenings. A dedicated practice can welcome an abundance of knowledge.
Reclaiming the dream world is an act of spiritual resistance and connecting with plants is an amazing way to begin one's relationship to dreams.Ancestors live here. Desires roam here. Insight and ancestral wisdom lay here. You and I have every right to this door. In this workshop we will revisit the happenings that occur when we sleep and guide one another through self-interpretation and creative expression. We will meditate on ways in which we can honor our dreams and share knowledge on supportive practices for cultivating and sustaining these relationships. Plant allies that support the dream world will be shared and participants will make their own dream tea blend to take home!