Deep Dream Play

While on a backpacking trip this past March with fellow Signal Fire alumni, I invited my desert company to participate in a deep play on dream practices. Deep Play, created by Signal Fire guide Julie Perini, is at its core a community building practice while sharing space in the outdoors. These participatory activities/prompts/pieces are totally voluntary and can range from collective poetry making around a campfire to challenges on who can last the longest submerged in ice cold stream water.

For this particular deep play, participants were asked to reflect on one dream or sleep experience from our time in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona, along with other instructions on honoring their particular experience. With their consent, I will be sharing the manner in which they decided to honor these incredible happenings. I also want to share that this project will inform my ongoing research on dream practices as an avenue for healing, empowerment & decolonization.

Gracias a todxs por compartir conmigo, xoxo

Blanca cooling off in a pool of water on the Hieroglyphic Trail in Arizona. March 2019Photo credit: Christina Catanese

Blanca cooling off in a pool of water on the Hieroglyphic Trail in Arizona. March 2019

Photo credit: Christina Catanese

don't ever forget that you're a wolf

y a veces los lobos necesitan soledad, vagando con intención hasta encontrar su propio hogar, para continuar a florecer, honrando sus sueños, honrando sus ancestros. y pa’ ya voy.

i am slowly stepping away from social media, unlearning the ‘hustling’ narrative and tending to myself instead without feeding the expectations of what it means to be an artist.

this blog does not intend to replace my social media, or personal journal…instead my wish is that it may become a visual & written reflection of my diy artist residency which i began in the spring of 2018. the residency takes place more or less in my bedroom & surrounding cahuilla & serrano territories, with my practice centered on play, research and the vulnerable topic of familial healing. i left the pnw to return to the land and family that raised me, and to also unlearn my identity of being ‘busy’, to quit feeding the urge to commit to work, leaving time to just be.

entonces aquí estoy, corazón abierto y espíritu listo.